1. Most diseases are Preventable
Communicable Diseases can be prevented by drinking only safe water , personal hygiene, food hygiene, environmental hygiene, immunization and knowledge of the disease.
Non-communicable diseases can be prevented by dietary discipline, regular exercise, proper nutrition, life style (tobacco and alcohol consumption) choice of occupation and Knowledge of the disease among others.
2. Breast cancer is very common
Breast cancer is the commonest cancer in women, with over one million women developing breast cancer world-wide every year.
While it also affects men, the number is quite small compared to women. In the developed world where records are better kept, it is one in nine women is likely to develop breast cancer in her life time.
3. Peanut butter (ground peanuts) is a very healthy bread spread
Peanut butter is actually blended peanuts, could be done at home; no water is added. It contains carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins. The fat is unsaturated fat, no cholesterol.
It is very healthy for your heart and you are encouraged to use it as bread spread if you can get it.
4. Environmental sanitation discourages rats
Rats thrive and breed in dirty environment, the house should be well lit up and swept thoroughly every day in our country because there is dirt everywhere, on the road, around the house, markets, everywhere. Clean the floor, clean the sinks, remove any collection of garbage to the covered bin.
The immediate environment must also be cleaned daily; a clean house and surrounding discourage existence of rats.
5. You can become addicted to computer
This may be the greatest problem but it is not easily obvious. It is common in children who can play computer games all day long, even neglecting food. In adults those interested in blue films and related matters can easily become addicted as one item usually leads you to another item. You can become sucked in. Work can become a distraction if one is not disciplined.
6. Regular firm hugging reduces heart rate and blood pressure
Hugging reduces the heart rate of the person hugged, which is beneficial. This again is due to oxytocin whose level is increased by hugging.
Hugging also reduces the blood pressure of the person hugged due to the calming of oxytocin; the diastolic blood pressure (the bottom figure) is more affected. A 2005 study at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, USA found that premenopausal women who were regularly hugged had lower blood pressure than their peers who were hugged less.