KitKatClub Nightclub where people have sex on dance floor hit by deadly bacteria scare

KitKatClub Nightclub where people have sex on dancefloor hit by deadly bacteria scare

A notorious Berlin nightclub known for its sexually uninhibited atmosphere has urged guests to consult with doctors following a recent health scare. A patron at the KitKatClub was rushed to hospital after he was suspected of contracting bacterial meningitis at the venue on Saturday. Authorities in the German capital were informed about the incident this week by the club’s owners, and issued a city-wide alert, asking those who attended the club to seek urgent medical attention. Staff have already undergone tests and were offered a course of antibiotics as a preventative measure. A statement by the night club on Face book said “while infections in the club were very unlikely according to doctors and authorities … anybody suffering from symptoms should immediately see a doctor”.
According to the post, the man is in a ‘serious condition’ and as a result has not been able to recall what sexual contact he had. “For this reason, the Health Department decided to issue a press release. The idea was to inform as many people as possible who also visited the club last Saturday,” it wrote. The man had been attending a “CarneBall Bizarre” fetish party, according to German broadcaster Deutsche Welle.

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