1. Vitamins C and B12 can help you cope with stress.
Vitamin C, studies have revealed, help to bring down a chemical in the body called cortisol, it is usually high in the blood when we feel stressed. One of the studies showed that adults who took about 1000mg of Vitamin C before a speaking engagement felt less stressed than those who did not take. Sources of vitamin C include oranges, green vegetables, red pepper and berries.
Vitamin B12 supports the nerves and also affects mood. Research has shown that people with low vitamin B12 level are at greater risk of mood disorders. Low vitamin B12 is also said to be associated with depression. Sources of the vitamin include liver, kidney, milk, eggs, meat and fish.
2. Eating fish twice a week lessens risk of heart disease.
Fish has a kind of fat called omega-3, this fat prevents the blood from getting too thick, if it gets too thick then it cannot flow freely in your blood vessel.The blood vessels supplying blood to the heart can be affected leading to heart disease. This omega-3 is also said to help lower a substance in the blood called cholesterol which can narrow the blood vessels after sometime; this can also cause heart disease. This problem is reduced if you eat fish regularly.

3. Protect Your Child from Polio by vaccination.
The best way to protect your child against polio is by vaccination. Vaccination has removed
polio from developed countries, the last case of polio is the United State was reported in
Ensure that your child receives three (3) doses of Polio vaccine in the first year of life
beginning from 8 weeks.  Another dose is given before the child enters school.
Adults who have never been exposed to the infection are also advised to get vaccinated.  The
vaccine is quite safe and could be by mouth or by injection.
4. Tuberculosis is preventable
Tuberculosis can be prevented in the following ways:
     a. Vaccination against TB at birth
     b. Proper nutrition
     c. Well ventilated housing
     d. TB drugs given to babies born of mothers with TB, to adults with close contact to those with active TB and to people with chronic diseases that are likely to increase their risk of contracting TB.
5. Excess salt increases blood pressure
Sodium, contained in salt, is essential for the functioning of muscles and nerves; you could have muscle cramps if your sodium level is low. Sodium is commonly found in our unprocessed food and water.
Much salt is however added to food during preparation.Excess salt increases blood pressure and you must be careful about the amount of salt used for cooking and that added on the table.
6. Water Melon reduces risk of colon cancer.
Water melon contains fibre which is known to ease constipation and also reduces the risk of colon cancer. Fibre also helps to reduce blood pressure but cannot be used on its own to control blood pressure.


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