1. Poor Sewage and Refuse Disposal System
Poor refuse disposal system encourages the breeding of rats and flies. Exposed food can be contaminated by feaces through flies, rats are associated with some diseases such as Lassa Fever and plague.
Poor sewage disposal system means dumping of sewage into the open and/or into rivers which could be sources of drinking water.
Drinking such water without treatment is a recipe for disaster.

2. Some couples have separate bedrooms  to remain healthy
Sharing a bed room for some couple can mean poor sleep. Everyone should try to sleep for about seven to nine hours daily and at the same time; that is 10pm to 6am or 11pm to 7am. You can keep a dairy
Poor or lack of sleep reduces concentration, affects memory and general performance.
Good sleep helps to build up or maintain your immunity against diseases, helps to maintain normal blood pressure and also body weight.
Sleep deprivation can cause under eye circles and puffiness, dull-looking skin, and it also contributes to stress, which aggravates skin conditions like acne, eczema and psoriasis.
3. Screening for Prostate Cancer is a preventive measure
Regular (annual) rectal examination is now recommended for all men above the age of 50 years together with Prostate Specific Antigen test. The first screening establishes a base line and this is compared to succeeding annual screenings.
Another screening method though not too common is use of ultrasound through the rectum.
4. Deadline can be a cause of stress
Deadlines in any organisation can be a source of stress but these may be necessary for optimal performance. Production of a newspaper or magazine is time bound, television news hour, the news is expected by every one at that time, that can cause stress in the news room from the reporters to the editors, producer and anchor person. Same applies in every aspect of an organization where there is a chain of actions. To meet set deadlines therefore puts excessive demands on the individuals concerned. This is both physical and psychological.
5. Good lifestyle discourages cancer
Alcohol and tobacco have long been known to be associated with lung and liver cancers. Duration and dose of these two habits are very important. Parents should avoid smoking in the presence of children to avoid spreading the habit; same goes for alcohol intake, having a bar in the house stocked with assorted alcoholic drinks though socially desirable encourages children to drink alcohol. Creating awareness in schools about health implications of alcohol/smoking will go a long way.
6. Margarine (from vegetable oil) is a healthy bread spread
Margarine is made from vegetable oil, it could be from soyabean, safflower oils. These oils are liquid at room temperature, so to make margarine, the oils are subjected to high heat and pressure and then hydrogenated but do not bother yourself with all that jargon. The oils are un-saturated fat.
Margarine therefore contains a lot of fat (about 80 percent) but mostly unsaturated fat, it has no cholesterol but has a lot of Vitamin A and some Sodium. It can help your sight and it is better for your heart to take margarine instead of butter as you age.

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