From a very young age, we are all taught to share whether it is toys, clothing, or anything else. The words, “sharing is caring,” is something that resonates with many people. Sharing is not only a nice thing to do; it can also make you happy. Sharing personal hygiene products with friends, family members, or partners is kind of inevitable. But some of those seemingly harmless items can actually put you at risk for serious skin and health problems when shared.

There are certain things we shouldn’t share with each other if we want to stay healthy and prevent germs: needles, food, razors and beverages. But there are a lot of other harmless everyday items that aren’t just unhygienic if you share them: they’re downright dangerous.
Here are some of the no-share items:

1. Toothbrush:
Sharing a toothbrush can cause a number of issues, and it is actually quite unhygienic; sharing a toothbrush could result in an increase of infections. Even if you rinse the toothbrush off after using it, there are still bacteria on the bristles and it will grow overnight. Your own mouth germs won’t make you sick, but if those bacteria on the toothbrush are from someone else’s mouth and could make you sick. Tooth brush can transmit germs which can cause the common cold, sore throat and more.

2. Towels:
Towel sharing of any kind should be discouraged. Used towels contain a lot of bacteria especially when wet; bacteria such as staphylococcus aurous can live on the towel for a few hours, days, or even months. On a general note, do not use a towel for more than one week before washing with soap and possibly hot water and iron when dry before re-using. Never share them, not even with family when in use.

3. Bath soap:
Bar soap can hold bacteria. Bars of soap don’t usually dry all the way between uses, especially on the bottom, leading to an accumulation of bacteria, fungi, and yeast that can be passed from person to person. The United States of America’s Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends liquid soap over bar soap but if you must use a bar soap then keep one for yourself.

4. Razor:
Razors can spread infections such as warts, folliculitis, or jock itch even if there is no cut present. You’ll also get a better shave if you use your own. Razor collects dead skin cells mixed with bacteria, so the more people using it the more risk for infection.
Moreover razors like any other sharp object aid transmission of HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.
Never share razor.

5. Hair combs/brushes:
Combs can spread a number of diseases such as head lice, scabies, and sometimes even a staphylococcal infection. Even people in families should not share hairbrushes. However, sharing hair brushes is hard not to do, especially when you visit the salon or barber, but make sure they use some sort of sanitizer before running anything though your hair.

6. Deodorant:
Deodorant sticks used on the armpit should never be shared; the armpit could be a reservoir of germs if not well maintained.

7. Cell phones:
Research has found that the heat from your cell phone’s charge makes your mobile device a breeding ground for germs, perhaps including tens of millions of bacteria including staphylococcus aurous. Of about 25 cell phones tested, nearly half had staphylococcus aurous.

8. Makeup:
Sharing makeup means sharing germs and diseases. Makeup carries a lot of unseen germs and particles that can make you and your friends sick. Another place to watch out for germs is the makeup sample counter at stores: these testers could contain bacteria such as staphylococcus, streptococcus and E. coli.

9. Earrings:
Sharing earrings can aid the transmission such infections as Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. if any member of the sharing group has any of the mentioned diseases. Do not share earrings unless you are very sure of the person. If you must, sanitize them before use.

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