1.Discrimination in inheritance is injustice to women
In certain parts of Nigeria women do not inherit any properties from their parents especially land. Consequently women clearly have legal title to vastly less property than do men especially in the rural areas. This is quite common in the South-east and South-south geopolitical zones. The situation appears different in the South-west; women inherit.
In Brazil in 2000, women owned 11 percent of the land, and men owned 89 percent. In Mexico in 2003, women owned 22 percent and men 78 percent. And it is generally thought that land ownership is more equal in Latin America than in some other developing countries like Nigeria.

2.Breast feeding reduces risk of diarrhea and respiratory infections in babies
Breast-fed babies have about four times less bout of diarrhoea especially in the developing countries of the world than bottle-fed babies. Preparation of baby formula carries high risk of contamination from the container used, to the spoon and the water. Safe water is scarce in developing countries and most of the mothers are illiterate. Moreover, some of the formulas can on their own cause loose stool.
Breast milk contains a lot of antibodies, vitamins and minerals. The antibodies protect the child against infections from bacteria and viruses, consequently breast-fed babies suffer less from respiratory infections than bottle-fed babies.
3.Early treatment for autism gives better result
Once the diagnosis of Autism is confirmed, treatment must commence and may combine speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and applied behavioral analysis (i.e., ABA)., ABA helps to teach children skills using positive reinforcements. It is now well accepted that the earlier and more intensive the intervention, the better the result.
Awareness about ASD and available treatment options have improved tremendously over the past few decades; the services available for families are much better today in developed countries.
In those days autism meant sentence to life-long misery for both the child and the parents but now there are many things that can be done. The interventions we have today can lead to real improvements.
Parents are no longer helpless — families can be empowered to develop clinical skills such that every interaction with their child can be potentially therapeutic.
4.Traffic exhaust fumes may affect female fertility–Study
A recent study in the United States of America has shown that women who live near high ways where they are exposed to vehicle exhaust fumes are less likely to conceive than those who live further away.
The study involved about 36,000 women who were tracked for about 10 years from 1993 t0 2003 analysing the air pollution and exhaust fumes  around their homes to see if the air they took in affected their ability to conceive; there was some advantage in living further away from the high way.
5.Bird flu: Expert warns against drinking raw eggs
A Physician, Dr. Emmanuel Onyeka, has advised Nigerians against the habit of drinking raw eggs to prevent easy transfer of the bird flu virus to humans.
He continued that with the resurgence of bird flu, everyone should wash eggs with soap and water before cooking or frying them to meet eating condition.
6.Adequate sleep promotes libido
A study at the University of Chicago found that getting five hours of sleep each night reduced men’s testosterone levels by 10 to 15%. Get your eight hours of sleep at night daily for good performance in bed.
7.Sinusitis is a disease of the spaces within the bones of the face
Sinusitis or rhinosinusitis is a disease of the spaces within the bones of the face. All these spaces, four in number in each side of the face are connected to the nose and do produce some fluids. When the openings to the nose are blocked due to running nostrils or something else, infection of any or all of them could follow.
The four spaces are maxillary sinus, ethmoid sinus, frontal sinus and sphenoid sinus. The maxillary sinus is the one mostly affected.
This infection is different from allergies affecting the nostrils or viral infection of the nostrils. Sinusitis is a bacterial or fungal infection.
Sinusitis could be acute-lasting less than four weeks, sub-acute—lasting between four and twelve weeks or chronic when it last beyond twelve weeks.
Viral rhinitis does not last more than ten days.

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